

Satellite Business Environment

One Enviroment across Business

Being a satellite operator mean buying products from different satellite providers - like Iridium, Inmarsat, Marlink, Singtel... All these providers deliver a different way to handsle provisioning, handle billing and offer limited self-care for the operators customers.

Our solution integrate with basically all available provisioning API interfaces from major satellite service providers, offer real time traffic handling, billing, invoicing, reporting, traffic monitoring.

Offer all needed functionality expected by end customers in the fast moving satellite market - advanced self-care interfaces, direct integration to satellite POP environments and where needed do we also deliver the needed POP environment in Amsterdam, New York or Hong Kong..

Satellite Provisioning

Unity is directly integrated into all major satellite solution providers like Eutelsat, Iridium, Intelsat, Thuraya, Iridium.. With integration mean ability to manage and handle all provisioning activities, reseller, company, subscriber, vessel, airplane and site management. All inventory are managed fully across terminals, simcards, IP addresses, serial numbers and similar, simcard and terminal provisioning activities do cover a very comprehensive list of functionalities.

Activate, suspend, resume, migrate, upgrade, move, add services, change setting, hibernate, disconnect, syncronise, prepaid topup...

Combining billing, monitoring and provisioning offer the operator the ability to perform automated actions like limiting usage, preventing unwanted charges..

Cloud environment

We offer cloud bread out points in the 16 biggest Internet Exchanges in the world making sure that the operator and its cstomers are getting the fastest possible page loading.

All breakout points are offered in ISO27001 secure environments to ensure that security are delivered with the highest possible degree of security.

Software deployment

Our software are handled from two different deployment locations - Singapore and Amsterdam - Our deployment setup allow centralized management with upgrades as well as bugfixes.

All customer software will be managed by our deploment environment that are fully integrated with integrated Gitlab respositories.

Test, Staging and Live Environments

New software releases will typically be deployed on the customers test environment that will be connected where possible to trhe satellite network operators test environments allowing full end to end testing, when software is approved then will it be deployed on the operators staging environment where the operator can perform real live test operations as the staging environment is connected to the live interfaces on the remote satellite netwoerk operators..

When software have been tested and approved will it be deployed on the operators live environment.

API developer

This environment that allowas developer to get started very fast on integrating to Unity directly – sandbox are offering direct connectivity to the operators environment.

Get started instantly using example our API interface delivered in a standard postmand payload with integrated documentation and samples.

Redundant Arctecture

Platform arcitecture are designed to be a fully fault tolerant environment that offer the needed functionality 24/7 without any interuptions - all elements across frontends, operator dashorads, backend as well as database structure are fully redundant with smart failover functionality.

Database environment is a robust Mariadb Galara consisting of master-master-master replication that can scale where needed - using Mariabackup to backup encrypted tables in incremental mode.

All communication between end users and server are performed in a stateless mode that allow the system setup to scale almost unlimited - some of our large implementations have more than 70 servers operating the most sensetive military in the world.

Our implemented architecture are focusing at a robust design, that offer state of the art security and scalability where needed.

Satellite Billing

Our billing solution handle traffic CDR file collection, mediation, multi level rating across currencies, advanced invoices with a single invoice across services as well as a rich set of billing reports offering the operator to keep a close track of abnormalities, failing traffic CDRs as well as advanced Revenue Assurance covering the full business.

Billing mediate basically any supplier format on the market - new formats are added using drag & drop wizards that allow very fast integration of new suppliers as well as changes to existing suppliers. Traffic from different providers are then rated in real time and made available in the self-care interfaces, on our satellite API as well as in draft invoices.

Unity will automatically generate fees to cover subscription fees normally not provided in traffic CDR feed - and basically any for of products are fully handled in billing covering postpaid, prepaid, group plans, SCAP plans as well as global pool plans.

Frontend environment

Frontend offer standard daily tasks for the operator as well as advanced self-care functionality for the operators customers across resellers, companies, and subscribers.

Access to real time rated traffic data, traffic monitoring, provisioning, grafical displays - all implemented using intelligent content based menu structures that make advanced interfaces super easy to operate .

Frontend interface can be accessed by any level of customers where they will be limited access to own users and products as well as the level of provisioning functionality that the operatopr grant.

User interfaces

All interfaces are based on the lasts technologies, using bootstrap style sheets for easy graphical design, having responsive design that allow the interfaces to automatically adapt to the different browser and terminal interfaces with elegance.

Interfaces and menus will automatically adapt to the roles accessing, the content type, to content state and similar making most very easy to operate in a normal complicated satellite business.

Operator Dashboard Environment

It offers the operator to manage and handle more advanced functionality, like rating plan management, reporting, designing new products and similar.

Operator Dashboard is packed with tools that make it very easy to operate the platform, where possible will drag and drop interfaces be applied - simply load new inventory in this way, load new rating plans, bulkload new users, new subscriptions.

Backup functionality

Our Satellite Business Environment is based on a fully redundant infrastructure having multiple frontends, multiple backends as well as a Galara replicated database structure that consist of three nodes.

Servers are periodically clones fully to ensure we have the ability for very fast recovery - database environments are also cloned and are at the same time equipped with Database backup that handle incremental backups - all fully supporting Database Encryption (In-Rest) as well as Transit Encryption (DB In-Transit).

Where our Satellite POP is installed is all as well redundant across firewalls, routers, switches and radius servers + BGP peering always with minimum 2 Fiber connections to satellite networks and another two to Internet.

Multiple Frontends

Unity frontend interface is based on open standard using bootstrap and responsive design – that mean it is possible to download a standard Bootstrap admin template on the Internet and get that applied for new look and feel. Responsive design across interfaces allows smart and easy use across high-resolution screen, Laptops, tablets and even on mobile devices. It is possible to have multiple frontend running on the same environment with different look & feel, that allow the operator to make custom and project related interface for large RFQ’s and all in a super scalable design linked to the stateless authentication and API connectivity.

Prepaid Environment

Unity come with a complete integrated internal prepaid environment that allow the operator to turn any normal postpaid product into a prepaid product - it handle all prepaid balance handling, voucher management and topup functionality.

Prepaid module integrate directly with underlaying propay systems like Inmarsat GSPS/BGAN prepaid or Iridium prepaid - where Unity will integrate directly with these operators own prepaid functionality on topup, balance syncronisation, activation and similar.

Satellite Traffic Monitoring

Satellite Airtime is normally pretty expensive - and abnormal or to high usage can often generate a lot of problems linked to charges. To prevent unwated usage and spending is a good and solid traffic monitoring system needed that operator in real time and automatically interact with provisioning when possible suspend is needed.

Unity offer the ability to constantly monitor collected traffic data as well as where possible integrate with POP radius data and offer speed throttling functionality, partial blocking of certain services like data only or simply auto suspending the given high spending simcard.

Our monitoring take place across reseller, company, subscriber level as well as on groups or single simcards - monitoring is divided into data, streaming, messaging, voice or simply spending (money) - select monitoring periods like daily, weekly, monthly, yearsly, biyearly - set a large number of triggers where needed.

Operator specific monitoring as well as end customer specific monitoring combined with a template based notification setup supporting basically any language

SSO functionality

(single sign on) across frontend and dashboard for staff members – this SSO can be integrated directly to the operators own platforms to offer end users the feeling of one single environment. Our login and forms are protected for CSRF, optionally with CATCHA, secure cookies, SSL, Brute force protection, enhanced live logging and alarms, password are protected using the strongest one way algorithms and optionally can password expire and validation be applied

Cyber Secure Solution

It is periodically scanned with OWASP/Fortify security scanner to make sure that a secure login is provided for the different services - Databases support full encryption, all In-Transit communication support TSL encryption end to end.

Our hosted cloud environments are all fully ISO27001 certified for max security level - our staff get yearly Comptia Security certifications - where security matters and where end customers are high profile will this be a must have to ensure that data and services provide the needed compliance.

Unity API - One API for the Sky

(Web service based on REST JSON) that allow the operator as well as partners to easily integrate their own platforms directly with our backend functionality, this API provide full provisioning functionality and billing functionality across all the offered satellite services – meaning one single API for all the connected satellite services like Inmarsat I4, Iridium, Inmarsat GX, Eutelsat, Orbcomm, Intelsat...

Support & Ticketing environment

Unity are delivered with access to our support and ticketing environment that allow the operator to report and log issues related to daily operation – tickets need to be reported in this environment.

Our support environment can also be installed for the operator to be handling all support related actions - it will keep track of possible SLA agreements and allow related reporting when needed.

Multi Language

Unity interfaces across Frontends and Operator dashboards are operating in any local language – from Japanese, Chinese, Portuguese, English and similar – even output on reports and invoices are managed in any type of language in an easy and simple way.

Also having the ability to send language specific notifications - dependant on the users selected language - and invoices as well as reports are also supporting multi language making it a lot easier for customers where needed.

Satellite Network Operators

Unity are integrated into a long range of satellite network operators - meaning the needed API interfaces are implemented to allow user management, sim/terminal management as well as inventory and producty management..

This integration allow Unity to offer a single uniform interface for the operator as well as the operators customers. Operator can fully manage the level of self-care that they want to be offering through permission control.

Some of the integrated API interfaces: Inmarsat I4 (BGAN, GSPS, FBB, LINK, GSPS, SBB, M2M) DPI for provisioning, Inmarsat Prepaid API for balance access, voucher topup.., Iridium Certus, Iridium SOAP (postpaid, prepaid, PTT, SBD, GDB,Openport..), Thuraya (IP, postpaid, prepaid, M2M), Inmarsat GX (Government, ERnterprise, Aero Business, Aero Commercial, Maritime..), Eutelsat SOAP API as well as Eutelsat JSON API to be listing a few